As long ago as 1550BC, activated charcoal was documented for use in treating medical conditions. It has been used by North American Indians to treat bruises, inflammation and skin infections. Activated charcoal has also been reported to help lower cholesterol, triglycerides and lipids found in the blood.
Activated charcoal is used all across the world in emergency situations such as poisoning and drug overdose.
A single teaspoon of activated charcoal has a surface area of approximately 10 000 square feet. It adsorbs (binds to and helps eliminate from the body) poisons, heavy metals, chemicals and intestinal gases that have thousands of times more weight than it has, making it very effective in detoxing and eliminating toxins and poisonous substances from the body. It is also able to adsorb many different pharmaceutical drugs, opium, cocaine, morphine, pesticides (among them DDT), chemicals, mercury and even lead.
This pharmaceutical grade activated charcoal works by trapping toxins, heavy metals and chemical residues in its tiny pores. This is known as the process of adsorption ,whereby a chemical reaction occurs that binds elements to a surface.
Activated charcoal is a carbon based substance that has been used for health and healing purposes for over 3000 years. Activated carbon is a form of charcoal that is extremely porous and able to attract and strongly bind many harmful substances in various aqueous based environments. Activated carbon is made from wood, vegetables, and other materials and is known for its ability to filter toxins out of the water and human body.
Benefits and Uses
Activated charcoal is taken to provide relief from a wide variety of digestive conditions and customers regularly report benefits when used for both short term disorders, such as upset stomachs and longstanding health problems such as colitis and IBS.
Preventing and helping with upset stomachs
Suggested Dosage: Adults and children over 12 years old, disperse one teaspoon is a glass of water, take after meals by mouth up to 3 times a day.
Important Notes when Using Activated Charcoal:
1. Never take activated charcoal at the same time of day as other supplements. Give yourself at least 2 hrs between use.
2. Because activated charcoal will bind to certain medications please advise your doctor before using this if you are taking medications.
3. Be sure to drink at plenty of water while using activated charcoal.
4. Activated charcoal should be combined with a good fiber source such as psyllium powder or celery seed powder that will effectively push the charcoal through the intestines and out in the feces.
5. Best to take before bed and 3-4 hours after eating dinner.